Rudra Homam

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Navagraha Homam is the homam performed to all the nine Grahas (9 planets- Suriyan, Chandran, Sevvai, Budhan, Guru, Shukran, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu). The nine planets control each aspect of every people’s life and it has the power to change lives in an instant.
The procedure of this homam is by invoking all the nine grahas followed by the chanting of Navagraha Mantra and then performing this homam by providing nine types of Dhaanyams, flowers, colored vastra bit & Naivedhyas to the grahas and receive the blessings of all the nine grahas.
When to Perform Navagraha Homam? Schedule the homam date as per the Janma Nakshatra of a person and considering the Yoga, and Thithi of that particular date.
Benefits of Navagraha Homam:
• Navagraha homam protects one from their graha dhoshas available in their horoscopes thus reducing the malefic effects of the badly placed planets.
• The Navagraha homam also cures any health problems and all types of troubles or illnesses.
• This homam protects a person from all our troubles and sufferings. Be blessed with a happy life and positivity in life.
• A powerful remedy for a person’s Graha dhosha present in his/her horoscope that had been causing lots of problems like late marriage, delayed childbirth, financial losses, frequent illness, etc.
• This homam also provides relief from Drishti and Negative energy.
• The Navagraha homam gives one an immense boost in their career life and helps one succeed professionally.